Site Selection

Evaluating site suitability with expertise.

When considering a site for landfill development, a detailed “fatal flaw” assessment must be conducted to determine compliance with “location restrictions”. State and Federal regulations establish due diligence criteria to ensure that landfills are built in suitable geological areas away from faults, wetlands, floodplains or other restricted areas. Site specific investigations also help to determine the engineering suitability and cost viability of a landfill construction project.

Our team of experienced hydrogeologists will explore features such as groundwater usage, hydrogeologic or geotechnical conditions, and surrounding cultural developments. BLE will review available information, conduct site reconnaissance and perform preliminary subsurface exploration.

BLE provides the following site suitability evaluation services:

  • Soil and rock characteristics
  • Depth and flow of groundwater beneath the site
  • Presence of soft soils and other unstable areas
  • Borrow soil type and availability
  • Seismic site classification
  • Active fault areas and karst features
  • Water supply wells and surface water intakes
  • Nearby water bodies, floodplains and wetlands
  • Potential impacts on fish, wildlife, ecological and cultural resources
  • Historical buried debris, waste or old fill materials
  • Location of nearby airports, other landfills or other human-made features
  • Nearby private or public sensitive land uses